Gemini Season 2023 Elevates Your Communication and Curiosity
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Gemini Season 2023 Elevates Your Communication and Curiosity

Nov 01, 2023

Gemini season starts Sunday, May 21, when the Sun enters this witty and flirty zodiac sign (at 3:09 AM Eastern). Whether you’re hanging poolside or hopping from picnic to barbecue, it's officially social season! Here's tips for every level of social butterfly, plus horoscopes by zodiac sign!

Welcome to Gemini season 2023! From May 21 to June 21, two is everyone's favorite number. But that's not to say three, four or five is a crowd when the Sun parks in the sign of the twins!

Mingling isn't just an art form now, it could be your new cardio for the coming four weeks as this mobile sign keeps you on the move. This buzzy solar season turns us all into social butterflies, fluttering from one entourage to another. Invest in comfy-chic sneakers and take the scenic route whenever you can.

Not only does Gemini season ignite the spirit of discovery but this locally zoned zodiac sign rules hometown happenings. Wandering between appointments could bring the added benefit of discovering indie hotspots that were hiding in plain sight, from food trucks to music venues to community gardens that become your favorite reading spot.

Gemini season is prime time for communicating and connecting, so look for ways to amplify your message. Time to start that podcast? Whatever sparks dialogue is worth exploring. Writers, educators and broadcasters could produce some epic work during these four weeks!

The most versatile and vibrant horoscope sign, Gemini energy helps us communicate, collaborate and fly our pride flags at full mast. This air sign of the zodiac is known to heat up neighborhood activity. Here are some ideas to try:

1. Patronize area venues and contribute to the economy by shopping local when you can.2. Test the commuter waters and see how it flows if you’re considering a move or bi-city living.3. Take a plus-one companion to all your fun, favorite activities (working out, going to shows, etc.)4. Buy or lease an EV or opt for different methods of transportation, like a bike or scooter5. Swap and share services like babysitting and carpooling.6. Write, broadcast, and make media. Get ideas out of your head and into the world!

Gemini's dual-natured energy makes us eager to find a partner for our quests but it is also prime time to use and to fill our minds. Gemini season is a great time for a little self-help, self-improvement, self-actualization, or learn a new skill you can apply in your work. Here are some ways you can do that:

Play matchmaker: Whether you spark a love connection between friends or hook up someone with one of your favorite service providers, linking people up can feel hugely rewarding! Or, post a social media shoutout to someone whose stellar work you admire. Retweet a friend's glowing post. Write a testimonial for a colleague whose service deserves recognition. Pay it forward by connecting colleagues to each other. If you can vouch for their work, a simple intro may boost careers or even change lives!

Watch your wit! Gemini is a sign that's known for razor-sharp humor and witty one-liners. Under this solar influence, everyone's got an opinion to type in the comments. But perspectives change regularly during these four weeks and you might find yourself in hot water. Messages can be easily misinterpreted, especially on social media. Word to the wise: Decline invitations to any "tea parties." Instead, find creative ways to spark productive dialoguea. Make your point in a clever, compelling manner.

Avoid analysis paralysis: Beware a tendency to overanalyze during this solar phase—or make things more complicated than they need to be. Find a trustworthy friend who can "hold the bucket" whenever you really need to let it all out. If you’re worried about sharing appropriately, run it by a sensible sounding board before you hit send.

Feed your mind: Books, podcasts, Instagram feeds, short classes or online courses. Because Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of media and information, we’ll all be curious and hungry for novelty and knowledge. Download audiobooks or kick back with a good old-fashioned paperback!

The New York Times just published 12 Books You Should Be Reading Right Now (in time for Gemini season!) that the paper's book reviewers say answers the question: What should I read that is good or great for me? If you’re looking to take your business or a product idea to the next level, we are enjoying Nir Eyal's, Hooked: How to Build Habit Forming Products for lots of actionable ideas.

This mobile cycle is perfect for transforming any stuck energy, the kind that may be blocking abundance and healthy relationships, especially.

Variety is the sexiest spice during Gemini season. Holding a long conversation—much less anyone's lasting attention—could be an almost comedic effort when you’re in a room full of people. As heads swivel and promising options intermittently ghost, just do your best to not react to every plot twist.

If you want to keep a relationship at cruising altitude, be a lover and a best friend. In other words, cut your honey some slack for being human. Yes, this means you can give yourself a little wiggle room, too. It's okay to look! And if it turns you both on, talk about who you each find attractive. That said, texting a random hottie at 2AM is not going to win any Get Out Of Jail Free cards!

In sapiosexual Gemini, seduction begins between the ears. Wordplay is foreplay! Recap some of the intellectual ideas above to keep things above board. The rest, as they say, is gravy! Keep reading below for your horoscope for Gemini season by zodiac sign!

While we all feel the energy of Gemini season, we have some pro tips for each sign, specifically. Be sure to also check out your daily, weekly and monthly horoscopes on!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The Sun soars into Gemini and your third house of hometown happenings, getting you synced up with your social circles May 21 to June 21. There will be plenty of local action this month, as you spread your social butterfly wings and fill your calendar with enticing engagements. How well do you know your own community? Sign up for a meditation workshop at the nearby yoga studio. Spend your money at mom-and-pop stores to keep the economy thriving. Strike up conversation that goes beyond the usual small talk. You just never know who you’ll meet.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The Sun downshifts into Gemini and your stabilizing second house after an exciting monthlong stint in your sign that put you in overdrive. From May 21 to June 21, you’ll get into a grounded groove, building an action plan for your lofty Taurus-season goals. Where would you like to be by your next birthday? Work backward from the end product and build a realistic blueprint, outlining action steps. If you’re in the midst of a transition, add more passion to your pursuits or begin your search for a new job.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You’re exuding charisma, re-energized and ready to take on the world, from May 21 to June 21. Don't be surprised when you receive more social invitations than you can even RSVP yes to now. This annual awakening is an opportunity to realign with your most cherished goals, putting the focus on you. If you’ve been toying with a bold style update, set up an appointment with the stylist and tattoo artists you follow on Insta.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The Sun slips into Gemini and your twelfth house of rest, giving you the next four weeks to refuel your tanks. In preparation for your birthday season, use this solar spell to catch up on unfinished work and let yourself dream. Since the twelfth house rules the subconscious, you could benefit from a morning meditation or journaling practice to work out any unprocessed feelings.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

The Sun swings into Gemini and your team-spirited eleventh house May 21 until June 21, shifting your focus from "me" to "we." Don't give up on your entrepreneurial or independent endeavors just yet, Leo—instead, add some savvy new members to your creative crew. Since the eleventh house rules technology, digital ventures are favorable now. Tap your social networks for potential pairings and link up with self-starters whose skills complement yours. Once you’ve assembled your all-stars, Team Leo will be unstoppable!

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

The Sun blasts into Gemini and your ambitious tenth house, shining the spotlight on your career from May 21 to June 21. Cast aside limiting beliefs and shoot for a lofty goal, crafting a strategic plan. Pay attention to the heavy hitters in your orbit for the next four weeks and request their support. One could write you a glowing recommendation or make an important introduction. If you’re the #boss, take someone under your wing and help them ascend.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

The world is your oyster starting May 21, with the Sun soaring through Gemini and your globetrotting ninth house until June 21. During this expansive phase, the more you spread the wings, the better. Stuck close to home? Start planning that late-summer getaway now. You could also receive an opportunity from afar, or your job might unexpectedly require you to travel. Pay attention to cross-cultural connections as they could prove lucrative (or romantic) during this phase. Load your phone with WhatsApp, Libra!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

The Sun slips into Gemini and your eighth house of intimacy until June 21, turning up the heat behind closed doors. Channel your sultry side, Scorpio. You’ll lure in admirers like moths to a twinkling strand of fairy lights. Warning: Aim your charms cautiously, since this seductive solar spell could get ’em hooked fast. A soul-stirring attraction could also suck you in, so pace yourself as this connection intensifies. Long-term financial agreements and contracts are favored. Hash out the details and prepare to sign on the dotted line.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

The Sun zips into Gemini and your house of dynamic duos from May 21 to June 21. Shift your focus to cooperation and collaboration, partnering with people whose strengths offset your weaker spots. Deepen your existing relationships, making more time for important people in your busy schedule. If there's been friction with a certain someone, tension could reach a boiling point. Instead of running for the hills, take a deep breath and talk this one through. Hearing them out could clarify misunderstandings and remind you that just like you, they’re only human.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

The Sun grapevines into Gemini and your healthy sixth house on May 21, putting your well-being front and center until June 21. For the next four weeks, prioritize clean eating, exercise and drinking plenty of H2O. Your energy levels get a big boost during this solar cycle, and you could be inspired to try a more rigorous workout regimen. Bring this extra stamina to the great outdoors since running or walking in nature will invigorate your soul.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

The Sun bursts into Gemini and your fifth house of fame until June 21. If you’ve been in hermit mode for the past month, consider this solar phase your grand debut. If you’re in a sartorial rut, consult a chic friend or scroll through style blogs to inspire you to be more expressive—and glam it up! Regardless of what you’re wearing, however, you won't have any trouble attracting admirers and even potential love interests. Since the fifth house rules children, conversations could turn to family planning or how to more joyfully parent the little ones you have.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Home is where your heart is on May 21 as the Sun decamps to Gemini and your domestic zone until June 21. Is your nest feeling #blessed? Upgrade your creature comforts, perusing Pinterest for ideas to spruce up the bathroom or transform your bedroom into a seductive boudoir. Thinking of relocating? This starmap is favorable for an impending move. Shop the housing market or research another city that's better aligned with your heart's desires. Friction could arise with a relative, roommate or your S.O., but instead of pointing fingers, initiate a conversation from a place of love, not anger.

The must-have map to your purpose and path by Astrostyle's resident numerologist.

Gemini season starts Sunday, May 21, when the Sun enters this witty and flirty zodiac sign (at 3:09 AM Eastern). Whether you’re hanging poolside or hopping from picnic to barbecue, it's officially social season! Here's tips for every level of social butterfly, plus horoscopes by zodiac sign! 6 quick ideas to embrace the energy of Gemini season 2023 How to get the most out of Gemini season (even if you’re NOT a social butterfly!) Play matchmaker: Watch your wit! Avoid analysis paralysis: Feed your mind: Aries (March 21-April 19) Taurus (April 20-May 20) Gemini (May 21-June 20) Cancer (June 21-July 22) Leo (July 23-August 22) Virgo (August 23-September 22) Libra (September 23-October 22) Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Aquarius (January 20-February 18) Pisces (February 19-March 20)