KV improves road handling of mid
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KV improves road handling of mid

Nov 30, 2023

Kverneland's higher-spec on-land, in-furrow LO mounted ploughs are now available with a pivoting cross-shaft on the headstock to improve road handling.

The arrangement offers a 45deg pivot when in the transport position, allowing it to follow the tractor more like a trailer.

To do this, the company has also replaced the LO's previous twin-wheel assembly with a wide-section, 420/55 R17 swivel wheel.

See also: Kverneland reveals new mounted and semi-mounted plough ranges

Another perk of KV's Max specification is a set of integrated road lights, using a lightbar that attaches to the rear bodies when the plough is in its butterfly position.

This assembly is unplugged and stowed on the side of the main beam when in work.

Improvements to the plough's hydraulic system have seen a cartridge-type oil filter plumbed into the pressure line, which the company says will help protect the valve block and hydraulic cylinders from contamination.

Other spec details include landside knives, skimmer extensions, twin mouldboard stays, 500mm (20in) rear disc and a frame strengthening kit.

Models are available in five-, six- and seven-furrow builds, with hydraulic furrow width adjustment from 30-50cm (12-20in). Underbeam clearance is 80cm, while interbody spacing can be 85cm or 100cm.

Prices for a five-furrow vari-width LO Max with 85cm clearance start at £38,953.

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